Monday, July 30, 2012

The MBS Show Episode 22: Derpy E-Mail

Recorded on July 28 2012

Episode 22 of The MBS Show is out and we have some technical issues with the guest’s audio... sorry about that.  

For the full show note:

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the show you can contact us at

You can also reach us on Twitter:

And also please subscribe and rate us on iTunes


Intro Music
Title: Fluttershy Model Mix
Artist: William Anderson

Outro Music
Title: MLP - "Rarity's Song" Original theme (Orchestral Arrangement)
Artist: Mandopony

Monday, July 23, 2012

The MBS Show Episode 21: 120% Forgetfulness

Recorded on July 21 2012



  • Norman Sanzo
  • The News Pony
  • Scarlett Peace/SonicRainboom20
    • Favorite Pony: Rainbow Dash
    • Favorite Episode: Hurricane Fluttershy

  • We would like to welcome our new listeners and we hope you enjoy the podcast, and for our regular listeners, thanks for sticking by us with a dash of loyalty. Shoot us an E-Mail telling us what you think about the show.

News Topic

In Today's News Topic:

Ponies will not be aired in August
  • Last week was the 2012 San Diego Comic Con, and during the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic panel they'd gave the audience a preview of what's to come for season 3. At the end of the preview, Michael Vogel "Vice-President of Development" yells out "Tune in next month!" To confirm this, Sethisto of EQD sent The Hub an E-Mail asking them is this true? Unfortunately for us this is not true and we will have to wait a while longer.
  • Links can be found in the show notes.

Get to Hasbro Toy Shop NOW!!! You still have a chance to get Derpy!!!

Guest Time

In today's Guest Time:

Our guest for this week is a very talented brony singer, but she's not only know for just her singing, she's also known for her videos "The Mane 6: Table Talk" series. We're proud to introduce to you Scarlett Peace.

Scarlett Peace's Links:




E-Mail Time
  • None

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the show you can contact us at

You can also reach us on Twitter:

And also please subscribe and rate us on iTunes

Intro Music
Title: Applebloom's One-Pony Talent Show
Artist: William Anderson

Outro Music
Title: What We Have is Magic
Artist: Scarlett Peace/SonicRainboom20

Monday, July 16, 2012

The MBS Show Episode 20: Chicken Noodle is Magic

Recorded on July 14 2012



  • Norman Sanzo
  • Daniel Anthony
  • Tash Irina
  • The News Pony


  • The Living Tombstone
    • Favourite Pony: Rarity
    • Favourite Episode: Green Isn't Your Color


  • None

News Topic

In Today’s News Topic:

Erin Burnett Says Thank You To The Bronies

  • Last week Erin Burnett covered a story about bronies and BronyCon. In the end of her segment she made herself a ponysona a white unicorn with a  brown mane and a tail with the name Erin Bro-nett.

    During the span of 5 days, the brony community has responded positively to the news and has made a lot of fan-art for Erin Burnett featuring her ponysona.

    With all the fan-art that has been appearing, Erin Burnett wants to thank the brony community and I quote:
    “Thank you BRONIES! The Bronies responded to CNN's Erin Burnett's segment about My Little Pony with artwork welcoming Burnett to the herd.”

Are Ponies Going To Invade Monopoly?


Comic Con Friendship Express Trolley

The Hub’s booth at Comic Con 2012

  • Comic Con 2012 is happening this week... sort off... and like every year Hasbro will make an appearance.

    What makes this year different from previous years is the large amount of ponies being displayed. From huge banners being hung to a large “Blind Bag model” Pinkie Pie being displayed.

    We all know that Comic Con is all about the SWAG and Toys and Hasbro is not holding anything back in that department. For attendees that are going to the Hub HQ, they will be given a cute pony tiara and a coupon for “One FREE APPLEJACK FLAPJACK!!!” and for just being there you’ll get an exclusive Comic Con 2012 My Little Pony Poster featuring all the “2012 Design a Pony Finalist”.

  • Bonus News:  Day one of Comic Con has pass and both the Derpy and Zecora Comic Con Brushy are sold out, on the bright side IDW Publishing announced that they will be working on a My Little Pony Friendship is Magic comic book slated to come out in November. The comic will be made by Katie Cook and Andy Price.

Hello I’m Dr. Hooves

  • Recently Welovefine started selling the “Dr. Hooves Nouveau” T-Shirt and people have notice that the name was a bit off.

    The fanon has named him “Doctor Whooves” with a “W” at the front but on the shirt its spelled “Hooves” with no “W”.

    Someone had asked about it on the Welovefine web site and “
    Guy Brand” who works for Welovefine stated that; “It’s actually Dr. Hooves, we checked with the people creating the show and they confirmed it.”, “We got confirmation from Hasbro this week, his name is Dr. Hooves, and we are changing all merchandise as we go forward.”.

    Before this he was called “Time Tuner“ in conjunction with the recent My Little Pony Trading Card.

Guest Time

In today's Guest Time:

We are proud to bring you the master of WUBs the guy who made Octavia question her life the guy who coined the phrase “Dishwasher Dubstep” and got his track on Rock Band. We bring you The Living Tombstone!!!

The Living Tombstone’s Links:


E-Mail Time

  • None

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the show you can contact us at

You can also reach us on Twitter:

And also please subscribe and rate us on iTunes


Intro Music
Title: Let's Get Those Marks!
Artist: William Anderson

Outro Music
Title: Good ol' Days - [The Living Tombstone, Mic The Microphone and Jackle App]
Artist: The Living Tombstone

Monday, July 9, 2012

The MBS Show Episode 19

Recorded on July 7 2012



  • Norman Sanzo
  • Tash Irina
  • The News Pony


  • None This Week
    • Favourite Pony:
    • Favourite Episode:


  • Usually in housekeeping we talk about what’s going on with the show and the site and sometimes what’s going on with our daily life.

    But once in awhile something comes up that catches my attention and this is one of those times. Recently Tara Strong did an interview with EQD; it was a nice interview and all. In the interview Tara Strong mentioned “Kiki” her friend’s daughter who has a brain tumour.

    She mentioned that and I quote:
    “Her older sister is Melanie, who is friends with my son Sam, they been in school together since kindergarten.

    Kiki’s real name is Tiffany and Tiffany use to come over all the time whenever her dad would pick up Melanie from a play date and this little girl was so hilarious, she loves my voices so much and she would come in and start chasing her and tickling her and doing funny voices for her and this giggle is like... just delicious and she was just a hilarious-hilarious little girl and her nickname was Kiki and I was “Kiki get over here” and I’ll tickle her and do whatever and she was just a funny bug.

    Then one day she literally shutdown and it was because of this brain tumour and right now she’s not speaking or looking or moving at all and the medical community gave-up on her after her treatment and they told her dad to sign her death certificate and her dad refused.

    Then they started seeking alternative treatment to try and shrink the tumour so that they could have a surgery whitch thank god they finally get to do this Friday (July 6 2012).

    But by the way they have no money they left work, left school; Melanie has been doing some home school and trying to keep... and I just had Melanie here a few weeks ago for her first play-date in years. She haven’t played in a year because she’s been travelling with them to Sacramento and Mexico and now they are in San Diego and they given-up so much to... of course as anyone would to save their baby and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to everyone.

    And once Taralicouse launches, all of the SWAG stuff that I’m buying that say Twilightlicouse and also they are going to be contests for Ravenlicouse, Bubblelicouse logo and fun stuff like that. A huge percentage of that proceed will go to her and on top of that I’m going to have auctions item where 100% of the proceed will go to her and god willing the surgery is going to go well on Friday and she’s going to need help for a long time and after that I love to help out other charity.”
  • Thankfully the operation was a success and 80% of the tumour has been removed. You can still help “Kiki” out by donating to her and if you can’t donate you can still pray for them and send her well wishes, they will be greatly appreciated.
  • Links can be found in the show notes.

  • On a cheerful note, Today (July 7 2012) was the Malaysian premier of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. The show starts at 8:30am and it doesn’t have any subtitles, this is great.

News Topic

In Today’s News Topic:

Affordable Pony Plushies available at Target

  • Links and picture can be found in the show notes

The original Smile Lyrics by Amy Keating Rogers

Erin Burnett from CNN Talk about Bronies

Guest Time

In today's Guest Time:

E-Mail Time

  • None

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the show you can contact us at

You can also reach us on Twitter:

And also please subscribe and rate us on iTunes


Intro Music
Title: Vinyl Scratch - Fashion Show
Artist: William Anderson

Outro Music
Title: Don't You Worry Now Scootaloo
Artist: Coconeru

Monday, July 2, 2012

The MBS Show Episode 18

Recorded on June 30 2012


  • Norman Sanzo
  • Emillio Daniel
  • Daniel Anthony
  • Tash Irina
  • Daniel Atticus Soon
    • Favorite Pony: Rarity
    • Favorite Episode:

  • Thanks to all of the new subscribers and we hope that you enjoy listening to us talk about colourful coloured equines.
  • And to add more happy news, the website just hit 2000 page views. Once again we thank you all for all of the support that we got from you all.

News Topic

In Today’s News Topic:

Crackle Plushie for sale?

Cut Materials reviled by Amy Keating Rogers!!! 
  • Amy Keating Rogers is one of the writers for the show; she was the writer that wrote the episode “The Last Roundup”.

    In one of her tweets a while back she was complimented on her writing on the episode “MMMystery on the Friendship Express”. In her replay she reviled that Apple Jack actually had a piece of the cake too.

8-Bit Pony Game and Pony Theme Trolley

Guest Time

In today's Guest Time:

Our guest for week is Daniel Atticus Soon or better known as “Papa Dan”. He is one of the admin for “Malaysia Bronies Society” and on top of that he is one talented artist.

Papa Dan’s Link:

E-Mail Time
  • None

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions for the show you can contact us at

You can also reach us on Twitter:
And also please subscribe and rate us on iTunes


Intro Music

Title: Rarity's Fashion Show

Artist: William Anderson

Outro Music

Title: Sister Hate - [The Living Tombstone & Mic The Microphone]
Artist: The Living Tombstone