- Normansanzo
- Emillio Daniel
- No guest this week =(
House Keeping
- Update on Emillio's charity album
News Topic
In today's News Topic:
Notch admits to liking MLP:FiM
- In a recent interview on Geek A, Notch was ask "Is they anything you secretly geek out about?" and his answer was "I try to claim that I don't like the new My Little Pony show but I secretly kind of do"
- Link to the whole interview can be found here:
The Ultimate Shipping Chart
- Having trouble with your fanfic? Need a pony to be ship with another pony? Look no further, here we have the most robust Pony Shipping Chart!!! Every paring is in here, from the obvious paring to the most obscure paring.
- Link to the chart can be found here:
Pony Platforming Project 3: Minty Fresh Adventure
- Do you love video games? Do you love Ponies? Well if the answer is yes this will peak your intrest! The folks at "Pony Platforming Project" have made a pretty interesting side scrolling pony game.
- Link to "Pony Platforming Project" can be found here:
My Little Lego Pony: Friendship is building Magic
- If you want the My Little Pony Lego to be a reality< here is what you need to do... Vote for it. The MLP Lego project needs 10,000 votes to make it a reality, after the project gets 10,000 votes Lego will try and make it a reality.
- Link to the "Lego My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic" can be found here:
Daniel Ingram Interview on the Rolling Stone
- Our favorite pony music composer Daniel Ingram recently did an interview with the Rolling Stones. In the interview he was ask about his views on the brony community and has his music change with the knowledge of the new demographic.
- Link to the "Rolling Stone Interview" can be found here:
E-mail Time
Norman, Joey and my long lost twin brother,
I start, EMILLIO, Y U NO co host episode 7!?
had a great time on the show last week. Brohoofs to an awesome show! I hope
being long winded as hell didn't leave too much editing for you to do! In fact,
I loved the show very much (probably from the euphoria of hearing my own voice
sound so good, probably thanks to awesome editing). In fact, I loved the
episode so much I had the team feature it on the LINES podcast as "MBS
returning the favour"! Now you have the bragging rights to say you're on
iTunes :). (Link:
effort you all put into this is really a huge contribution to the Bronies of
Malaysia. You're really doing what it takes to put this beautiful country on
the world map. Though it's quite the challenge to get bronies to come out of
their shell especially in a country like this, it's people like you all who
help to give back to the community with what we have received from the show and
that is what I believe all bronies should stand for.
and I hope to hear more awesome stuff soon. Keep the love going and brony on!
Contact Us
If you have any questions, concern or suggestions for the show you can contact us at
You can also reach us on Twitter:
You can also reach us on Twitter:
Intro Music
Pony Hill by William Anderson
Outro Music
Pokemon vs. MLP:FiM - Gotta Make 'em all Evil by s2jdfgs
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